i think its good that ps4 gets the beta b4 xbone because xbone had halo and play station didnt. its the fair thing to do and i think the xbone users should shut up about it. for all of those xboners who are mad i am going to be laughing at you when i play destiny before u lol. :)
it is best PS4 gets stuff first the 7 miliion+ ppl that bought the Gaming system from Sony are very happy( i am with my ps4, ps3, ps2 and so on )but M$ money ppl only sold just about 5 million Failboxs that are not Gaming Consoles but money pits that turned the X1 into a Home Entertainment spy on you at home threw the Kenitec NSA app Money Wall Not built for gaming console. FACT! and now M$ is paying for their Greed against Gamers!!!!!!!!! Dead Orbit is the Best Orbit !!!! Enhance your calm, John Spartan.