originally posted in:The Playstation Army
Hey guys I am trying to get a ps4 but if I don't I am on ps3 and I am worried about the size of the community
I'm on PS3 add me my name is DeAd-DuDE27
Well im going to play on ps3 cause i have heard that the internet will cost on ps4 like it does in xbox
I'm going to buy a PS4 when more games are available. Also, I'm playing the Beta you can add me. PSN: JCoffer
I'm fairly certain that the online community will be just as strong on PS3 as it is on PS4. Tons of people have PS3s still
I'm kinda the samevhere in opinion I don't see the pointvin getting a ps4 (yet) because all the new games are coming out on ps3 and Xbox as well as next gen consoles
Meeh. I don't feel like upgrading to the PS4 this early. Though Destiny will be amazing on PS4, PS3 hasn't died yet so i'll be picking it up on PS3. Add me : [b]basilisgiorgos[/b]
Same here man, but I have found that there will be several 1,000 people on, look at black ops 2 on PS3, 100,000 people still play that, and it's an older COD game, so don't be worried, launch date might be slow, but once Christmas hits were good!!!
Well it'll be smaller than on ps4 but there are enough ps3 players in this group
A fireteam only needs 3 PSN: i_MERK96
You'll be fine. I'm on both systems @ CINEMA_SLEEP