Alright so here's my own anecdote for this, maybe it'll make some of you feel better about yourselves. So I've liked this girl in my school for probably 4 or 5 months and didn't have the balls to tell her anything about it, I would talk to her a lot in class and stuff, just never told her I liked her. She got a boyfriend a few months back, and he's been a major jerk off to her and she would always come to me and whine about it (yes ik I was friend zoned). A couple weeks ago she actually started to talk to me in a more flirting way. So she came over today, and started to kiss me and ended up on top of me, and this is where it gets bad. As things were getting better she said that she had always though I was hot, then, being a major beta, I literally pushed myself out from under her and told her I was hungry, and went and got goldfish, -blam!-ing goldfish. After I was done taking her home, I came home drank a bunch of my dads bud light, and texted her and she hasn't responded. So as any natural beta, I've decided to post this on Maybe some others of you have got some beta stories, or you can just make fun of me, whichever.
Edited by Rabid Grunt 4: 5/15/2014 10:48:12 PMdeleted
I played the Reach beta.
Edited by Tartan 118: 5/15/2014 7:52:51 PM>mfw I was going to troll this thread of public beta testing videogames with how I sweat about this girl at work >mfw it's actually about that Oh MBP. :'( You could just tell her that you like her too and just freaked out. Hopefully she'd understand and give you a second chance.
-18 -never even kissed a girl -never even been alone with a girl -never had a GF in my entire life GOML pleb
Edited by Leeroy Jenkins: 5/15/2014 5:03:16 PMAsked a girl out and literally hot no answer. I waited about 6 months with hope too.... That's my worst and one of, oddly enough, only beta stories...
Please don't reproduce, OP. We don't need your genetics.
Yo. They were Goldfish. All is good.
It was during my middle school time, I was lying in bed with this girl I had been crushing on for months. She took my hand, shoved it down her bra and I started moving it around. She was moaning and all. Looking back she probably wanted sex with me. I stopped after a while to get us chocolate milk. I never got further then second base after that. Then she had sex with two of my closest friends. I hate her for it, but I still get the feels.
I rarely post negatively, but OP what the -blam!-? This is so beta, people are trying to play it.
Did you really pussy out when she was [i]on top[/i] of you? No man with a straight mind just rejects that...
You [i]ate[/i] Goldfish? Wot? Also: [spoiler]:([/spoiler]
You know, if they were pretzel goldfish I could understand.
I'm going to need a definition for beta in this particular context. I don't think I completely grasp the concept.
If she still has a boyfriend then, having been cheated on myself, I've got mad respect for you.
I cringed so hard reading this
Wow. You're an idiot.
You deserved it.
I once learned about radiation in science.
Did she still have a boyfriend while this happened?
Was like 13. Natural slightly chubby beta. For some reason 10/10 female would stand in front of me and stare as her 4/10 companion grumbled about my obvious beta attributes. This goes on for weeks occasionally. I tell a friend. Friend tells the local sadomasochist (new word lel) who happens to have an extremely dangerous obsession with girl. So, middle of science class comes. SM jerk yells something like, "Hahahah! Anon told me you think whatsherface likes you! You ****ing retard!" Everyone heard. I'm red. Everyone is quiet. "Nuhhuh, I didn't say that." So that was the end of the most passionate romance i had in school. Anyway, she's pregnant and getting married soon. Moved to a new state, prolly cuz that dude was breaking into her house.
is she hot?