We hunters should be proud! Some of the people call us rogue-ish or even criminals, but we did what no one cared or dared; we braved the wilderness. I don't want to bash my fellow peers (titans & warlocks), but building the wall would have been impossible if you were attacked by fallen most of the time. We hunters were in the front line, destroying their camps and outposts, weakening the ennemy before hand, leaving some time to build that wall for the citizens. We decided that staying on place would have killed us, yes it was reckless but we learned how to survive outside, we learned new skills, knowledge and ennemies' weakness. Also they don't call us hunters for nothing, we are the one hunting and scavenging for: new techologies, meats, artifacts, rare materials, etc (the list is long). We were the one bringing the food on the table, not the warlock in his tower, not the titan stuck inside his wall. By scavenging we brought new ways and new items to the last city, and probably lots of junk (books/old world artifacts) so the warlocks can stay occupied. So next time, titans and warlocks, you think we are pathetic wildling, think about it, it is our knowledge of the wild that will save your life!
After reading the forum I thought it would be nice if I did one of those.
P.S.: Hunters what do you think of the golden gun, do you think we'll be able to cast it on all our guns or just the main weapons?
(I'm french-canadian, sorry in advance if you find my english subpar.)
"Sips Whiskey"
Ooooooo yes sniping time! "The bush is my home they will never see this one coming"