It should be considered 'disrespectful' to challenge someone's beliefs. Someone's beliefs should'nt be challenged or else they are just being willfully ignorant and beliefs should not to change. Look at any god, there was some belief in ancient times that was wrong. A god is basically a simple explanation to more complicated questions and that is why I dislike religion. Science gives more progress to humanity than praying ever has in the entire history of the universe. The world is a confusing place, and it's more complicated than we could probably ever imagine.
Religion is a simple fallacy explanation which is just people making up their own opinions about what they think the world is like, instead of actually looking at facts. The same can be said for any racist, homophobic, bigoted bitch that ever walked the earth. People who go around making opinions or basing their opinion off of other people's opinions are just as bad as any person who is was or will ever be religious. It's all the same thing. Someone once said "Not knowing any better, but being willing to learn is genuine ignorance; knowing better, but refusing to accept it because it doesn't suit your ideals, is willful ignorance." I think that was John Colbert.
[quote]It should be considered 'disrespectful' to challenge someone's beliefs.[/quote]Stopped reading there. There's nothing wrong with challenging someone's beliefs. If you can't defend them, then they're probably not really [i]your[/i] beliefs (if you know what I'm implying by that). Although there's certainly a time and a place and a level of respect that you must attend to if you're going to question them.