originally posted in:The Vanguardians
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Took this screenshot from DattoDoesDestiny's newest vid. There's actually a bit of information in here if you look properly. First of all you can see someone's Gamertag/PSN ID/Guardian Name and under it what looks to be a clan name [i]"[u]Rogue Squadron[/u]"[/i].
To the right side of the image we also see "[u][i]Account Badges[/i][/u]" and what looks to be 6 colourful Badges underneath along with a text/number input box. I wonder what these badges are and how we can achieve them.
Just below that we see "[u][i]Grimoire Score 2248[/i][/u]" and "[u][i]Medal Score 740[/i][/u]". So now we have Badges, Medals and Grimoires. What are these things?! Some sort of rewards for progression in game?
To the middle of the images we see when the Guardian played his last game. It says the date and time and then [u]"[i]Crucible on High Ground.[/i][/u]" Now if you remember from the Devils Lair gameplay we saw "[u]The Crucible[/u]" on the map at the very beginning of the trailer.
People were speculating this to be PvP because of the crossed sword emblem on the map. So is this confirmation that "The Crucible" is where we will go to fight against other Guardians? And High Ground is most likely the name of the map.
What are your thoughts peoples of BNets?
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Groups/Post?id=64887611&groupId=64056]LMAO![/url] Caught the same image from MoreConsole's vid May 11. :)