[url=http://i.imgur.com/wYXyZKz.jpg]Oh wait, wrong image.[/url]
If I might construct a simple scenario/strawman.
Person A: I think that owning guns is wrong and causes too much evil in this world. Banning them will solve the problems we have.
Person B: No, banning them just means that criminals will be the only ones with guns.
Person C: I think abortions are wrong and that banning them will solve the problems we have.
Person D: No, banning them just means you force people to get them in back alleys using wire coat hangers again.
Person E: I think alcohol is wrong and that banning it will solve the problems we have.
Person F: No, banning it just means you create an underground liquor market.
Person G: I think drug use is wrong and that banning it will solve the problems we have.
Person H: No, banning it just means you create an underground drug market.
Can you spot the pattern?
The pattern being that banning something that people desire is ultimately futile since people can and will circumvent the law. "But Methew! You stupid Lib-tard!" I hear you scream "I think my cause is just because of X! And that by banning it, with stop most instances of it, which is better than just allowing it to continue!"
Yes, but at what cost?
Note that with all of these there are other, new problems introduced as well. A de-armed populace has much more trouble overthrowing a potentially tyrannical government. Even assuming best case scenario, which is improbable, where the child isn't aborted, that adult is almost guaranteed to be trapped in low class, consuming tax funded services. Attempting to ban illegal substances gives power and strength to the mobs/cartels/drug lords supplying it.
The War on Drugs has turned the United States into a prison state. We spend more on prisons than we do schools. We have the highest jailed population of any other nation. All to fight the War on Drugs. Which has objectively failed. Brazil (IIRC) decriminalized drug use and treated it like a health issue instead and reduced drug use drastically and quickly.
And I'm not even mentioning all potential problems either.
Want to fix the problem? Address the underlying causes driving people to such things.
None of this will matter when the darkness comes. But please describe to me in detail the Kinder Surprise Cartel that has made millions from illegally distributing chocolate eggs with an easily swallow-able toy inside the US.