originally posted in:Guardian Radio Alliance
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So my impression from the weekly update is that the fusion rifles will function in a similar manner to the splaser of yore, though with 7 (get it?) rapid shots instead of one big one. I'd also assume that it is closer to a medium damage than the splasers crazy output.
I don't want to compare Destiny to Halo, but I can't help thinking of it in this situation. What are your guys thoughts on the subject? Am I off base?
Just a little aside that rifle was rocking the future war cult faction logo just another example of faction specific weaponry! Also it seems like the kick that was mentioned happens in the burst as he said after you charge there are seven super fast shots ( I take to mean per charge and fire) these can take out multiple targets in a sweep so I would imagine each of the seven pulses adds a little kick. This being said if you were to aim low to center mass you might be able to account for kick at longer ranges if it kicks up. P.s remember the kick on the spartan rifle?