Obviously this is in regards to convicts, terrorists etc.
I think torture is necessary during times of war to extract crucial information. Other than that, it should never be implemented anywhere else.
Against unless it's for information.
Depends if Im able to torture the person or not. No but seriously torture is inhuman.
Against, but only because its ineffective. Otherwise, go for it.
I like to get sexually tortured by terrorists
It all based on your morals and what you believe is right and wrong. If torturing and gaining information that saves X amount of people I am for it.
Just like war, I'm against it but recognize that it's appropriate in certain circumstances.
No. No one deserves to be tortured. I'm all for capital punishment, but torture is a no no.
Torture? In the land of freedom?
Edited by LordFarquaad690: 6/11/2014 8:31:19 PMFor: If anybody hurt my family I'd fu[u]c[/u]k a bitch up. Close friends included.
Edited by Folk: 5/21/2014 3:22:36 AMIt's pointless... Anybody will tell you what you want to hear, when you're torturing them. Deprivation, isolation, psychological torture along with drugs. Would probably work the best for breaking someone's story.
For: Against terrorists. For any reason. Against: Civilians PoWs Soldiers Criminals Essentially all non-terrorists.
As punishment for child molesters, very much for.
I'm for a certain kind of torture...
Against because it is immoral and ineffective.
What kind of torture....?
B.Net embarrassing itself as usual with these poll results and comments.
mostly against.
Yes and no. I believe in a time of war it is fine to torture, only if the information would possibly save many lives. I also agree torture is fine if it involves terrorists. I do NOT agree with torture for criminals. because if they have done something so bad they get tortured you should just give them the death sentence by electric chair.
-blam!-ing up one of the enemies guys to save even just one of our guys is an acceptable ratio. Torture does not make you give out truthful information, but it does make it difficult to hold a bullshit story together. And no, we are not "better than that", nor should we be. It's war, all morals went out the window the moment we decided to starting killing our own species. Because war is not about "being right" it's about protecting your own people. 2edgy4me? Possibly
What if your daughter is kidnapped by Romanians who try to sell her into the European prostitution ring?
I am both fir and against because spme deserve it but if you are going to get some truth from the one you are going to torure you will probably make him belive he knows but cant remember.
Yes. Even if torturing 10 enemies only saves one of our guys, it's worth it. War is no place for morals.
Edited by Ricochet 049: 5/21/2014 7:41:37 AMThere are more effective methods. And they are likely to tell you anything to make the pain stop. Bad and unreliable. A display of power is a good method, during the invasion of Iraq one operation was sent to destroy an empty building, the display of firepower convinced many to surrender and give up information. It saved lives on both sides and provided intelligence.
Edited by HurtfulTurkey: 5/21/2014 7:00:50 AMI recently wrote an essay about this, and there are definitely very strong moral arguments in favor of torture. However, I think as a military-wide tactic, it should be completely banned. CIA secret squirrel shit? Maybe. But I think having a population as a whole support it strategically is disturbing. By the way, torture does work. Bin Laden and pretty much three generations of Al Qaeda leadership are dead because of information extracted through torture. Go watch the documentary 'Manhunt'.
I've honestly never really thought about this.