Since they have nature on their side they can use it to summon something like a mile wide tornado at each rivals head quarters.
Adventure Time called it.
Because the cloud is like the Death Star. Only nearing completion. It will be a massacre.
[quote]Nintendo[/quote]You can't destroy something that's already dead.
Better question, why don't they use it to get on my dick?
Because the Ouya prevents the little companies from destroying each other to preserve balance.
Nintendo has the power, Nintendo Power!
The Cloooooooooooloooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud!
The problem is with the technology. Right now, issues with latency and bandwidth mean Microsoft can only summon actual clouds, not natural disasters like tornadoes and hurricanes. So the best they can do right now is basically make people feel a little more gloomy.
[spoiler]Cause there is no power[/spoiler]
Because no amount of nature will make up for the lack of power in the Xbox Juan.
Wrong Cloud, and Nintendo's on its way out anyway.
Because Microsoft has yet to create Skynet.
Are you talking about zombies? Nintendo is already dead
Nintendo isn't a threat
That's a damn good question.