[quote][b]UPDATE: It worked! More [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post?id=65039849&path=1]here[/url]. Good job everybody! M'Lady is here.[/b][/quote]
[quote]In this thread, with the power of Neckbeard, we shall make the glorious M'Lady appear, but only by her choice alone. We shall hold open the door to the thread and politely inquire that she partake in our lives.[/quote]
Iah ! M'Lady!
Great Glorious Woman of the Woods,
I Call Thee forth ! (Politely)
Answer my cry, for I am desperate,
as only you knoweth the Mountain Dew Baja Blast™ Recipe!
(make the sign of the eternal neackbeard)
Rise up [I politely request] from thy slumbers
and come forth to deliver us from loneliness and Brad from 6th period.
(make the sign of fedora)
I make the memes, I sing your praises on Facebook.
I openeth the door for you!
Come forth I say, read my blog!
Now! Please walk the Earth once more! (And also beat up Brad)
[quote]Now we wait for M'Lady to appear in the Thread. Join me in the consumption of Mountain Dew Baja Blast™ and Doritos as we pray to M'lady and await her arrival.[/quote]
[quote]Hardcore PC Thursday has been moved to tomorrow in Tommy's mom's basement. Sorry for the confusion.[/quote]
Who's this M'lady you speak of?