Take the test and see what you get.
There's about 4 pages to go through if you want.
And a total of 100 classes to be gotten.
I'm a [url=http://www.helloquizzy.com/results/the-fantasy-rpg-class-test/?var_ChaoticStability=0&var_AlchemicSorcery=6&var_ElementalArchery=0&var_NecromanticWizardry=2&fromCGI=1&var_Intelligence=12&var_Vitality=25&var_AngelicLuminosity=8&var_EnchantedEngineering=5&var_ExplosiveEnergy=1&var_DemonicInsanity=0&var_HiddenPower=-1&var_Spirit=20&var_Agility=10&var_Bloodlust=8&var_Strength=10&var_PsionicForce=1]Shaolin Guru.[/url]
[quote]Eeek! Abyss Knights are the ultimate warriors of death and summoners of darkness, and as the most feared of all warriors, Abyss Knights are savage and evil fighters. They will kill anything and everything that crosses their path and will not hesitate to lop off your head and hang it in their living room as a trophy. Don't be surprised if you see them laughing as they mercilessly chop through enemy after enemy. They live for battle, blood, and death because killing is often times the only thing that makes them feel truly alive. Although not the swiftess warriors, their sheer power, endurance, and skill with weapons more than makes up for it. They also have the unique ability to summon shadow creatures of pure darkness from the abyss of the underworld. These dark and mysterious creatures that they summon are able to aid them in battle and wreak havoc and chaos on the world. In addition, Abyss Knights are masters of dark magic and will not hesitate to launch deadly blasts of dark energy at their foes. They can even augment their weak elemental magic with their powerful dark magical to produce deadly and chaotic new magic combinations, such as black fire, black lightning, and annihilation magic.[/quote]