There is/are individual(s) out there that have a habit to make alt accounts a day or two after I muted the previous one. I'd like to just tell them that it's pointless. If it's all just coincidence then you're clearly doing something wrong on your previous accounts, and if you are obsessed over me than you're pathetic and you should just give up cause I'll just mute you the second I see you again. The only person's time you're wasting is yourself, it only takes me two seconds to mute you, it takes you several minutes to make an alt account.
That's all I have to say, have a good day.
I'm not cool enough to be muted by anyone...
Am i muted
>muting dazarobbo Haha. He must have really handed your ass to you in an argument.
>Muting Daz Ian got fucking rekt in a "debate"
>2014 >muting Engrapadora You're only depriving yourself of lols.
Is that Charlie you muted or some other guy; I mean Charlie quit going on here anyway.
Imagine how dead this place would be without the alts. It may even be the webteam and the moderators who're keeping this place interesting by contributing (or started it) but, for all I know, it's [i]you[/i] who are doing the work. I believe a "thank you" is in order.
>dazarobbo muted Did he wreck you in a debate or something? He's not even combative, just fairly leftist.
>1990+24 >muting Ian pls
You should've told them their obsession is pathetic.
Don't mute me pls :(
[quote]The only person's time you're wasting is yourself[/quote] confirmed for Camnator
Im sorry, nothing i can do about it.
[quote]The only person's time you're wasting is yourself[/quote] xD
Good morning sunshine.
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