Visit and use the clan system to create, administrate and have full control over your Destiny clan. Supports both Xbox and Playstation users, gives you your own forums, customizable ranks, news section and the ability to edit your pages and design your layout. Invite, promote, kick and ban members with Admin powers, along with your own chosen moderators you can equip to help expand and control your population.
We have over 5 years of experience in website design and community management, and we offer the most expansive fan based Destiny website on the web. We began as a Halo Forge group here at Bungie ( ) and still today remain in the top 15 largest private groups on We have since built a Halo Forge website so support it's growth, and have recently released our Destiny site, open to the public and awaiting your presence.
The clan system has been modified specifically for Destiny, and will continue to be developed prior to and long after the game releases. Registration takes less than 30 seconds, and from there you can begin to build your empire with full access to our Clan system and the community in general. The website has over a year invested in it's development and appearance, so that you can feel comfortable after only a few minutes navigating the site, while still being immersed in the most expansive interface any Destiny fan could hope for as they begin their journey to becoming a legend.
It does look nicer when people use named links... Also, interesting idea. I might check into it later.