Well, seeing as Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all based upon the same religion, the elimination of one would be the elimination of all three.
I wouldn't mind losing Islam and Christianity, but Judaism has provided plenty of wonderful things for this world, not to mention an awesome community.
It would come down to Islam or Christianity, though who's to say I can make such a decision.
[quote]Well, seeing as Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all based upon the same religion, the elimination of one would be the elimination of all three.[/quote]I'm pretty sure that's only the case for the oldest of the three.
What has Judaism contributed that's worth more than Christianity or Islam's respective contributions?
It's more of what they haven't contributed, as in, mass murders.
Fair point. That said, they did massacre their way through Palestine back in the day.
True. We all have our faults, I just feel that Judaism has been the more peaceful group of the three.
True enough. Society developed a lot after the foundation of Christianity but only via launching off the framework of the Roman Empire.
Hardly when they slaughter Arabs.
CHRISTIANITY IS AWESOME. ISLAM SUCKS. judaism... eh, i can live with it.
[quote]Well, seeing as Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all based upon the same religion, the elimination of one would be the elimination of all three.[/quote]What. Isn't that like saying I have four limbs attached to one body, and dismembering one would be dismembering all of them?
I mean, if we could, hypothetically, only eliminate one, then of course that's what I would want, but I feel like they are so closely related, choosing one is basically choosing all three. idk, its hard to explain what im thinking lol
You're Jewish? >:(
Buddhist actually.
They add on to each other actually. You could remove Islam without harming the other two, but remove Judaism and they're all gone.
Shut up you cheap Jew
I'm Buddhist, but I see why you think that.