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5/27/2014 2:35:48 PM
[quote]a·the·ism [ey-thee-iz-uhm] noun 1. the doctrine or [b][u][i]belief[/i][/u][/b] that there is no God. 2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.[/quote]

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  • Edited by SexyPiranha: 5/28/2014 1:53:32 AM
    Religion=belief apparently. What about all those people that say "I believe but I'm not religious". Try putting a little thought into things.

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  • What about all those people that say, "My religious beliefs are...". Or when people ask someone what their religion is, they respond with, "I'm an Atheist". Try putting a little more thought into things.

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  • Because asking someone what religion they are assumes they are religious. For most people "I'm atheist" also means they're irreligious. If I didn't know any better I'd think you didn't use your brain at all when you made that reply.

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  • Edited by Assassin 11D7: 5/28/2014 12:33:51 AM
    I'm sorry, what irreligion(not a word) are you? Also, your basing your entire argument on how people speak, which is really silly when you think of it because not only is the English language a mess, but the people that use it are even worse.

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  • Edited by SexyPiranha: 5/28/2014 1:40:39 AM
    [quote]Irreligion[/quote] It's not my entire argument it was just the most obvious way to convey the difference between atheism and religion. Here's another one. Atheism is no more a religion than theism is.

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  • [quote]A religion is an organized collection of beliefs,cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence.[/quote] beliefs=god is no cultural systems=fedoras world views=really edgy what now

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  • Lel

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  • [quote]beliefs[/quote] Is nonbelief in something=belief in something when there is no real evidence in favor of that something? Common sense says no. Say I tell you I'm Santa Claus. I provide no evidence for it and you, understandably, do not believe me. Is your disbelief=to someone else's belief in spite of the lack of evidence. [quote]Fedora, edgy[/quote] Froggert, stahp.

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  • Nice try Dustin, welcome to my mute list

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  • Repoted, liked, shared, message sent to mods, NSA and FBI. Enjoy your rubber ducky, Rose.

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