0:00-0:54 is when you hear it.
Anyone actually like this voice? It's completely repulsive. It's like Bungie is trying to emulate the announcer from Halo, but went too far with it and decided to go for Morgan Freeman with lung cancer.
It was alright. I like the narration for the original Destiny presentation trailer (last year's e3) way more. That kind of old raspy voice. ( it was a different person right? Might be mixed up on that since I haven't seen it in a long time) Kinda like the venerable odo from dungeon siege 3. I thought that voice was cool. Not everyone does though. Its just a voice of like a person with wisdom and experience imo. But if this guy's going to be doing the announcements for things like... In the lead 1 minute remains Etc. Well Idk...his voice doesn't sound that great for that...that voice would be better for an actual character in the game.