If you think you've got it rough, Insomniac's gone from making games only for Sony to only for MS. And there are no doubt countless similar examples in gaming history.
So quitchah bitchin.
I predict people will say 'ur only ading feul 2 the fier'.
Tartan 128 "Would you rather have H2A or the Master Chief Collection?" Contradicts this post, so... "Whiny xbox fans remember" ? I'd rather have H2A because it makes much more sense, a remastered Halo4 has no relevance as well as Halo3. I'd wait till 2017 for a remastered H3 'twill be so badass!!!
I'm still -blam!-ing PISSED that microsoft isn't using their best developers to make the great games they made before they got bought out and turned over. WHERE'S BANJO THREEIE DAMMIT
Everybody here knows youre a Sony Fanboy so calm down...
Fueling the fanboy wars.
Why do you care? Sunset overdrive looks so dumb. It looks like a cartoon dead rising 3
ur only ading feul 2 the fier
OP makes a thread about "whiny xbox fans" OP is in fact a whiny Sony fan
People of all consoles need to stop bitching I get so tired of hearing that shit I'm complaining about every one of every console you chose your fate now suck it up I'm a Xbox player and I have no problem waiting
Insomniac is still going to make games for PS. Just not sunset overdrive.
Insomniac must be tired of all this nonsense.
OP is mad.
Who are they?[quote]I predict people will say 'ur only ading feul 2 the fier'.[/quote]Your prediction is false. My response is much simpler: [i]You're a dick![/i]
Tartarn y wood u evan say dis, omegad u r such a SHIT STIRER OMGGFGFFG
Edited by dimondsaddle: 5/28/2014 1:25:43 PM3434lyfe ma bone>ya ps lhztizlyaiflcjxka[spoiler]aljcihxogfph[/spoiler]
Edited by BritLemon: 5/28/2014 2:22:56 PMlol ure a dumd sony fanboy the cloooowd will make it all better
Edited by G7kherc: 5/28/2014 4:43:14 PMREALLY? oh -blam!- I didn't know that! :( Resistance and the Ratchet and clank series were some of my all time favorites. Xbox fans should be glad that they have insomniac on their side, trust me. I'm thinking about getting an xbone despite wanting a ps4. I'll pretty much abandon my friends if I go to MS. If I wait it out and get an xbox one later I could get both consoles like the last generation. Oh -blam!- me. Sunset Overdrive is the game they are making, it looks good.
[quote] I predict people will say 'ur only ading feul 2 the fier'.[/quote]Because spelling the sentence like you have a mental handicap changes its validity?
I don't whine because I know I've got the superior console.
You've got the cloud! You've got the poweeeeeeeerrrrrr!
What is this thread about?
MS has its (potentially) best in-house developer making shovelware and sitting on or shitting on that dev's best IPs. Good reason to whine.
Ye but it's only possible with the power of the cleerrrrrd.
This is one of the reasons Xbox is better we don't have to deal with people like this
Edited by Green Twister: 5/28/2014 2:33:07 PMHuh if only ps fanboys could stop complain on what other fans are doing.
Xbox remember whiny fans.
[quote]If you think you've got it rough, Insomniac's gone from making games only for Sony to only for MS. And there are no doubt countless similar examples in gaming history. So quitchah bitchin. I predict people will say 'ur only ading feul 2 the fier'.[/quote] Yea I see 343 doing that...