Yeah, i just wanted to brag with the Title ;D
So a Electronic Store shut down at mine and the person was selling the discontinued items. And one of them was a Xbox One, so i sniped it on the Auction and got it. Surprisingly. I got Ryse: Son of Rome with it too so at least i have a game to play!
(Also; the reason why the Xbox One was discontinued was because the outside box was damaged but everything was sealed so why not?)
So then, since you guys are the masters at games, give me some recommenced games for the Xbone. I'm thinking of getting Watch Dogs and TitanFall. But is there any other games that are good?
[spoiler]Also, if you love me, you can also add me if you'd like: (Jack F3nn0)[/spoiler]
Good steal. If you have xbl add me, gt:My Guns Laggy. I got bf4, dr3, ghosts, titanfall, and soon to be getting watch dogs.
Sell it and buy a Vita
>Ryse >playing wut.
Nice. Wish I had your luck.
Sell it and buy a PS4
Watch Dogs and TF are all that I have. If you don't mind ADHD gameplay TF is fine for like 30m to an hour at a time and Watch Dogs is really fun
Sell it and buy a ps4
Child of Light was good
I got my Xbox one free. Suck it. But good snatch OP! My console came with Forza, good game if you like racing games. But it gets boring after awhile. But every once in awhile its fun to pickup and try a new ride. A friend of mine got bf4 and left it here until he finally buys a console. So that's all I play. Don't buy Spartan Assault! As its free soon.
Assassin's Creed 4, Watch Dogs, and Wolfenstein are all games I recommend. Titanfall is a bargain bin pickup, and spartan assault and Max: The curse of brotherhood are becoming free next month with GwG. Battlefield 4 is ok, too. I hear PvZ is also fun.
I would say PvZ, you get free DLC and it's a fun game. Also, please send a request to TheTroller695, as I am not good at remembering some people's gamertags.
Edited by Sd Kfz 1824985: 5/28/2014 9:34:11 PMI would say PvZ, you get free DLC and it's a fun game. Also, please send a request to TheTroller695, as I am not good at remembering some people's gamertags. Darn, two times. Sorry about that.
P.S., See if you can pick up Wlofenstien.
How many moneys is that in Freedom?
[i]Assassin's Creed IV[/i] was amazingly fun. So what's £260 in USD? I no speak-a da quid.
[quote]$434.20 USD[/quote] Not bad, great steal OP.
If you get Watch_Dogs get it on the PS4 (it looks better).
Titanfall is a fun game. Snatch it at $40
Get Peggle 2 for sure. Stay away from Halo Spartan Assault at least for now. Battlefield 4 is pretty good. Killer Instinct is free and its not bad.
Peggle 2 Trials Fusion
If you can avoid it, don't spend 60 dollars on titanfall. It's not worth the money. It's a pretty half baked game right now. I recommend waiting for a price drop. As far as exclusives go, the only worthy exclusive is PvZ. Everything else: BF4 has been mostly fixed and is now enjoyable. Watch Dogs has gotten mixed reviews but I haven't played that. Wolfenstein I heard is great but depending on how much you play, it could run out of replay value quickly.
Titan fall is fun