Yeah, i just wanted to brag with the Title ;D
So a Electronic Store shut down at mine and the person was selling the discontinued items. And one of them was a Xbox One, so i sniped it on the Auction and got it. Surprisingly. I got Ryse: Son of Rome with it too so at least i have a game to play!
(Also; the reason why the Xbox One was discontinued was because the outside box was damaged but everything was sealed so why not?)
So then, since you guys are the masters at games, give me some recommenced games for the Xbone. I'm thinking of getting Watch Dogs and TitanFall. But is there any other games that are good?
[spoiler]Also, if you love me, you can also add me if you'd like: (Jack F3nn0)[/spoiler]
Assassin's Creed 4, Watch Dogs, and Wolfenstein are all games I recommend. Titanfall is a bargain bin pickup, and spartan assault and Max: The curse of brotherhood are becoming free next month with GwG. Battlefield 4 is ok, too. I hear PvZ is also fun.