Im looking into it because it looks interesting, what does my favorite gaming community have to say about it?
Edited by SkeletonPack: 5/29/2014 2:51:45 AMThe gameplay is a hell of a lot of fun; the levels are reasonably open-ended (though it's ultimately linear), and most encounters allow you to approach them in several ways -- usually running and gunning, sneaking your way around, or playing tactically by taking cover and leaning around corners picking off enemies one by one. On current-gen/PC the graphics are pretty good, though there's the occasional muddy texture, and there's some texture pop-in, though the latter is characteristic of the idTech5 engine. It runs at an absolute rock-solid 60 FPS on current-gen, almost never dropping below that level. I can't speak for last-gen's framerate, but the graphics took a noticeable hit in all aspects. I also hear that the PC version could be a little better optimized, though it's nowhere near Watch Dogs levels of poor optimization. The art-style is varied, and does a great job of painting what an alternate National Socialist controlled world (damn filter) in 1960 would look like. The story is surprisingly well written, with the key strength being the lead characters, who are interesting, likable and well characterized, although the side characters could use a little love. My only real issue with the game is that if you don't collect enough health upgrades, the final level is a little unreasonably difficult, but that's not enough of a problem for me to recommend you don't get the game. If you're any sort of a FPS fan, or just enjoy good stories, you'll probably like The New Order quite a bit.