I jus wanted to get a few people together for when the beta releases, even though nobody really knows the release date yet. Looking for pretty chill people that aren't all hardcore, I'm not trying to play the game and hear the people I'm playing it with talk about it the whole time we're playing. I have a few people added but it would be nice to have more people to play the beta with when it comes, please leave a comment with your PSN ID and I'll add you as soon as possible. If you'd rather shoot me a request my PSN is here2styalive
i would like to personally invite you to come join the Phoenix Rising Gaming group at http://www.bungie.net/en/Groups/Detail?groupId=98410 or check us out at http://www.phoenixrisinggaming.com we currently support COD and Titanfall with Destiny support coming the week of E3. Come check us out! Join up with Titanfall or COD rosters until Destiny beta release or just join our Bungie group.