Soon (tm). There will be lots of new members roaming the halls of our home, What will you as a Community member as yourself do to help welcome them?
I for one, welcome our newbie overlords. They are the future of this community.
oldfriends report in
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Help them figure out stuff on their own by providing various clues.
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We need to establish some kind of saying to reference the best thing they could ever imagine, even though said event never actually happend. "Yea man, everyone in the game's head turned into a soffish and every mp map was a porch"
I would shake their hand as long as they are not Playstation fanboys, Bungie are traitors lol
Being a new member myself I'm going to push them around and demand their lunch money!
Well according to Recon we ambush them at sea and eat them alive, so I guess that.
I will answer questions and correct grammar.
Devour their soles
Make them jealous and quiet until they have learned how it is done here on! The new destiny fans are making it hard enough already.
Call them Newfomans.
Show them this.
I usually just tell them basic stuff. Follow the rules, don't spam, play nice, eat your vegetables. Stuff like that.
I'll be somewhere in between with Recon and Metalx.
I'm a wuss. This is the part where I run away and hide in groups and other websites.