A person can walk into a gun store, he appears to be normal, he strikes up a conversation with the shop owner. The Shop owner has no idea if he has a mental illness or not. A week later the gun is used in a shooting.
This is not about the gun or where to get a gun, it's about it being very hard to tell whether someone is disturbed enough to be homicidal. Like that Elliot Rogers kid who suddenly snapped, who knows how long he was bottling up those emotions. I don't think mental health clinics or whatever they are called are doing enough.
What do you think can be done about this?
The problem is insurance companies. I am currently trying to get insurance, but I do not have a job. Even if I get a job, and it is part-time, I still cannot get insurance. Healthcare.gov is fucking useless. Oh, you want to sign up for health insurance but it is a certain time of the year? Well fuck you then, you can wait and suffer with anything you need help with. Currency is a tool of greed used to make the lives of other people miserable. Fuck human society.