So, I just finished [URL=]WORLD END ECONOMiCA[/URL]. If you don't know, it's the VN written by Spice and Wolf's author, that was recently released on Steam.
I'm too lazy to do my thoughts again, so I'm going to copy and paste what I posted on another forum.
[quote]Holy -blam!-.
I just finished [URL=]WORLD END ECONOMiCA[/URL]. If you don't know, it's the VN written by Spice and Wolf's author.
And it was amazing.
Much like Spice and Wolf, it has a very heavy focus on economy. This time, as the description on the Steam page explains, the focus is on stocks. And I don't mean it lightly, as the entire -blam!-ing thing has a shit ton of discussion about stocks. I haven't finished Spice and Wolf so I can't really compare the two, but for this the entire story revolves around the MC and his involvement in the stock market. Even the climax of the VN is about the stock market.
That said, there is still a lot of human interaction in there. All the characters are well written, and for the most part, well likable. The main girl starts out as a massive bitch, but becomes incredible as the VN progresses. The MC is also sort of a jerk at the beginning, but again, over the course of the VN he develops into someone better. By the end the dynamic between the two was amazing, and some of the scenes they have together are so perfect.
The setting is absolutely phenomenal. I mean -- it takes place on the -blam!-ing moon, in a beautiful city full of (for the most part) incredibly rich people. It's the "frontier of mankind", as the VN states multiple times. The setting isn't just gimmicky, either, as after finishing it I couldn't imagine it taking place anywhere else. The author does a really good job in this department, and it's probably one of my favourite things about the VN.
The music and art is also really good. The city looks beautiful ([I]especially[/I] the night shots) and many of the specific CGs are also drawn incredibly well. The OST has a decent amount of "daily life" backtracks that I never got tired of them, and the dramatic ones were also pretty good.
On the top of the actual story, it doesn't actually have "choices" like most VNs. It's a completely linear story. Basically, it's just a normal novel that happens to have an OST and art attached to it (it isn't voiced). That said, it's really good. It explains the stock concepts well enough that even if you have no idea how the stock market works, you still can understand everything. I'm not going to lie though: sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming. During the trading scenes there were a few times where I couldn't help but think "what the -blam!- is even going on?". It is still very enjoyable though.
The ending especially blew me away. Right before the final stretch, my heart was beating so god damn fast that I thought I was going to die. The suspense was so well done and even when the credits hit I still couldn't believe what had happened. Since this is only the first "episode" of the VN (I think there are 3 in total), the story isn't over, and at this point I am so damn excited for the next installment.
So, yeah. It's really good. My post is probably a bit scattered since I literally just finished it and immediately spat out everything that was going through my mind, but I just wanted to make sure people knew more about it. I definitely recommend it. It starts out a bit slow, but once the ball gets rolling it doesn't stop until the credits.
I would love for this to get an anime. Not even sure if that would even be possible, but I really hope it does. It would be pretty unique, too -- I seriously doubt there are any anime out there about stock trading. Though I bet a lot of people might consider it boring (maybe even more so than Spice and Wolf).[/quote]
I'm not even sure how many people will read this, but if there is anything to take from my post -- you should buy it. I just want more people to know about it, as it's really -blam!-ing good.
Edited by NicVsP: 5/31/2014 3:53:56 PMKind of a dumb question, but by buying on greenlight I'm paying to the author or to some unofficial translator? The first only makes sense, but some visual novels on greenlight seem so unprofessional I might as well ask.