Come check us out as we yet again delve into the secrets of Destiny! Happening at 10pm EST.
I'm not sure if selling apparel is allowed here on If you look at the Code of Coduct (which can be found in the link below) rule 6 is as follows: [quote] Distributing unauthorized, copyrighted, or trademarked material. [/quote] So if you have the Destiny logo on your shirt you may have an issue. Also, rule 7 says this: [quote] Soliciting, plagiarism, phishing, or impersonating other users. [/quote] Selling items may count as soliciting other members. I'm no ninja, but there may be an issue with this so you should PM a ninja to double-check if it's ok. Just trying to help you out. [url=] Information Desk[/url] [b]l[/b] [url=]Community FAQ[/url] [b]l[/b] [url=]FAQ For Linking/Unlinking Accounts From Your User Profile[/url] [b]l[/b] [url=]Verifying Your Email Address[/url] [b]l[/b] [url=]Bungie Forum Bug Submission[/url] [b]l[/b] [url=]Terms of Use[/url] [b]l[/b] [url=]Bungie FAQ[/url] [b]l[/b] [url=]Bungie Mobile FAQ[/url] [b]l[/b] [url=]Code of Conduct[/url]