Take a look at the whole segment in the episode [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/LastWeekTonight/videos]here,[/url] after they play it for the west coast in a couple hours.
What are your thoughts on Net Neutrality?
the internet is [i]crumbling[/i] in the US. it needs someone to stop the companies ' greed and tell them to sit down and do their jobs. the average American gets between .5 mbps to 3 mbps unless they live in one of the major cities. 3rd world countries have higher averages than the US does. [b]think about that for a second. [/b] the average telecom infrastructure is about 20-30 years old. they're not actively improving the pipes or replacing old ones to allow for more bandwidth overall so they're charging more for less service. what they want to do is slow down all traffic unless you pay them more.