So when will we dump the more primitive and dangerous forms of energy, for the more resourceful and useful ones?
Edited by BrenMan 94: 6/2/2014 4:47:51 PMTo everyone posting about solar roadways: [quote][url=]1. You can’t point the roadway to track the sun, to improve energy generation efficiency (which is only about 15% for photovoltaics, anyway, which makes PV generation expensive on a large scale). 2. Why embed solar panels in such a harsh environment where they are constantly being run over and flexed by millions of tons of vehicles? There are many more practical locations to use (such as roofs, that face southward). 3. How do you keep the solar collectors clean (as millions of tires scrub over them, and engines drip oil on them) so that sunlight can get collected by the embedded PV surfaces? 4. Who is going to actually PAY for such an obscenely expensive enterprise (other than government, which means you, the taxpayer)?[/url][/quote]