[url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/capital-weather-gang/wp/2014/06/02/female-named-hurricanes-kill-more-than-male-because-people-dont-respect-them-study-finds/]...because they lead to a lower perceived risk and consequently less preparedness[/url] thanks to gender stereotypes. [url=http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2014/05/29/1402786111.abstract?sid=79a9dd5a-51c7-4dfe-95b0-25c41fec04e9]Here's the paper[/url] from the National Academy of Sciences. I'm reading it now and would encourage anyone else with access to do the same.
inb4shitstorm... sorry, maelstorm.
lel 'Gee that looks like a big ass storm coming our way' 'Nah it'll be fine, it's called Sandy' 'Nah it'll be fine, it's called Katrina' 'Nah it'll be fine, it's called Sharkeisha.' 'Gee that looks like a big ass storm coming our way' 'Hurricane Jimbo?! We gotta get the -blam!- outta here! D:'