[url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/capital-weather-gang/wp/2014/06/02/female-named-hurricanes-kill-more-than-male-because-people-dont-respect-them-study-finds/]...because they lead to a lower perceived risk and consequently less preparedness[/url] thanks to gender stereotypes. [url=http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2014/05/29/1402786111.abstract?sid=79a9dd5a-51c7-4dfe-95b0-25c41fec04e9]Here's the paper[/url] from the National Academy of Sciences. I'm reading it now and would encourage anyone else with access to do the same.
inb4shitstorm... sorry, maelstorm.
[quote]results imply an “implicit"[/quote]Kek. But hat they're saying is that it's meteorologists' fault for bad naming failing to convey the severity of the storms eh? Interesting point. Hurricane "Zontar" or "Xyclon Craw X" would probs do the job.