[url=http://new.livestream.com/gogcom/REDGOGstream]Here it is. Rewind to around 17 minutes to start at the beginning.[/url]
Important note for PC gamers outside of America: If you buy The Witcher 3 through GOG.com you'll get a price match if your country makes game far more expensive. Other companies will be added later.
It sounds like Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister) is voicing the Emperor. Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister) is voicing Ghost in Destiny. It's nice to hear these people branch out.
[url=http://ca.ign.com/wikis/the-witcher-3-wild-hunt/Game_Editions]Here's a list I made of all the different editions and preorder bonuses.[/url]
Edited by Uberdawg: 6/6/2014 1:47:35 AMI don't want to put too fine of a point on it or give too much unwanted detail, but it's a bit difficult to not to have a mess in my pants when I hear all of this stuff and see that trailer.