Greetings Guardians, I am here to tell you what I am hoping to see come Tuesday for Destiny. Some of these things are obvious, and some are a little far-fetched. Regardless, let's start the list.
First and foremost, I hope to see the competitive side of things. I want to see a full match of PvP, start to finish. This includes how we queue, how we select what weapons we will bring into battle, how we choose our focus, and so on. I want to see different game types. The return of some Halo favorites like CTF and Big Team, for example. I would also like to see how we are rewarded armor and weapons for participating in said PvP game modes.
Since the days of Halo, one of Bungies biggest innovations is the seamless integration of vehicular combat within the PvP environment. I would love to see some combat vehicles in use, both on the ground and in the sky.
I want to see several PvP maps. I think it is safe to say that we will see the Rooftops map from mars, but I hope for at least two others as well.
I want to learn more about factions. I think the community is with me when I say that Factions are still one of the more mysterious components, and I want to see just how they work so that I waste no time during the beta wondering who I should be helping. Bungie has already said that we will not be bound to a single Faction, but odds are that continuous support for one Faction will yield bigger and better rewards over time.
I want to learn just how we will move from one are to the next. Can we travel from the Rocket Yard to the Sky Watch to the Blind Steppes all on foot, or will we have to choose these locations from within our ships to visit them separately?
I want to learn about clan support. What things can clans do together, and will clans get special armor and insignia to represent them? Will we get an in-game roster to easily find other clan mates?
I want to learn just how integral the Mobile App will be to the game. What can we do away from our televisions or PC? Will we be able to view in real time what our friends are up to? Will we be able to see a file share?
Speaking of file share, I want to learn about some of the modes that we might not know exist. Theater is almost a given, but to what extent? Will it only be available in cooperative or competitive modes? Can we view a sweet jump we did during a patrol on our shrike? What about forge? Clearly the forge community was one of the biggest and most popular in the Halo franchise. What about forging our own unique armor? Weapons? Vehicles? etc..
I am hoping to see at least a glimpse of what is in store for us in a raid. Maybe not some game play, but a teaser would be nice.
I will be adding to this list as time goes on, and more things come to mind.
And about a week after E3, I will be making a Vlog about my thoughts on all of the new material that we get. This will be the biggest reveal yet, and I am beyond excited.
So tell me, what do you want to see at E3? What are your hopes as we move closer to the beta?
Enough old russia.