It was good. A B level conference. Microsoft get props for being all about games and not wasting any time (except maybe on Forza 5 DLC. It's E3 for God's sake what are you thinking?). Way too many CG trailers. CG trailers can work for a sequel where we know what to expect. Scale Bound for example. I have no idea what this will be so why am I going to get excited? Not dropping a single bomb was a mistake. Where was the announcement to cap the conference off? Crackdown is good but it's not a blow you away franchise. Also The Division looks so bad.
Good conference. I think Sony's going to top them with Dark Souls' successor being a PS4 exclusive. Microsoft needed to drop a bomb and not rely so much on CG. Those are the only knocks against an otherwise solid showing.
Yeah I was disappointed not to see any Halo 5 but merely CG.