originally posted in:The Friends List
[b][i]This thread is used for TFL announcements. Check back frequently.[/i][/b]
Previous Thread Titles:
The Post Office
The Big Kahuna
The Real Deal
Great White Buffalo
Godzilla Hath Cometh
The Big Yellow One
Achievement Unlocked!
It's Alive!
Happy Bungie Day!
TFL Worldwide
[b]Congratz to wolfBTM on getting his sub-thread to 1000 posts![/b]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/99465]Join The Friends List![/url]
Get ready to drink from the fire hose!
3000 posts before Destiny's release!: [i]Success![/i]
Phase MVP: DontHateTheBest.
15,000 posts before MCC's release!: [i]Success[/i]
Phase MVP: wolfBTM & Mechetti
25,000 posts before I die: In Progress...
Challenge #1 Winner: wolfBTM
Challenge #2 Winner: Mechetti
Challenge #3: Winner: Mechetti
Challenge #4: Winner: ZoltoydeZ77
Challenge #5: Winner: ZoltoydeZ77
Challenge #6: Winner: Mojo1965
Challenge #7: Winner: Mechetti
Challenge #8: Winner: Repeated ID
Challenge #9: Funniest picture wins. Keep it within Bungie's Code of Conduct. It's subjective to my sense of humor.
450 To go!
Good morning Vietnam!
It's totally rad.
Idk what to post. So I'm just gunna leave this here
Punch & Pie?
[url=https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=sv&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=sv&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nyteknik.se%2Fnyheter%2Fbioteknik_lakemedel%2Fmedicin_teknik%2Farticle3854502.ece&edit-text=&act=url]This was pretty cool.[/url]
It's pretty close.
You should change the title to [i]"The Wrath of Mechetti"[/i] or [i]"The Wrath of BR"[/i]
It's working come to gaming
500 posts to go hype
Supr slam
[i] [/i]
Hannibal smith.
So how's everyone doing?
Womp womp
Fill a bowl.
Don't increase it to 2k