Don't get me wrong, I've always been a Bungie lover since the beginning, but after the beta I will likely not purchase Destiny.
There have been a series of mistakes that I believe have been made on the part of Bungie.
[b]1: Selling Halo to 343[/b]
I understand 343 made their company because of Halo and everything, but they really took a huge shit on what you made. Halo 3 was a great ending that didn't need fleshing out; it didn't need continuing.
I think it would've been fine if you had given the name to them but forbade the use of John. They could've made games like ODST [spoiler]my favourite halo game[/spoiler].
[b]2: Delay Delay Delay[/b]
How long has it been since you started pre-orders? I think it's been nearly two years. That is way too long. I understand you wanted to make everything perfect but that does not justify the wait. You should have not opened pre-orders till alpha was nearly done.
[b]2 Part 2: Delay Disappoint or Inhibit?[/b]
When you first opened pre-orders, the current gen consoles hadn't come out nor been announced. [i](XboxOne/PS4)[/i] That meant, because eager Bungie fans, like myself, who pre-ordered, would be pre-ordering for the then-current gen. [i](Xbox360/PS3)[/i] You can't just say [quote]Screw You[/quote] and only have Destiny on new consoles.
From here you're left with a dilemma: Do you inhibit the next gen consoles like Xbox One so that the game is the same as if it were on Xbox 360, or do you make a separate game for each and betray the loyal fans of old who prefer not to upgrade to current gen consoles for any of the many reasons?
[spoiler]If you would release for PC you wouldn't have this problem.[/spoiler]
[quote] Those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it.[/quote]
Remember Destiny if you try to make another game.
Destiny isn't just new consoles it's Xbox 360 and ps3 also.