Don't get me wrong, I've always been a Bungie lover since the beginning, but after the beta I will likely not purchase Destiny.
There have been a series of mistakes that I believe have been made on the part of Bungie.
[b]1: Selling Halo to 343[/b]
I understand 343 made their company because of Halo and everything, but they really took a huge shit on what you made. Halo 3 was a great ending that didn't need fleshing out; it didn't need continuing.
I think it would've been fine if you had given the name to them but forbade the use of John. They could've made games like ODST [spoiler]my favourite halo game[/spoiler].
[b]2: Delay Delay Delay[/b]
How long has it been since you started pre-orders? I think it's been nearly two years. That is way too long. I understand you wanted to make everything perfect but that does not justify the wait. You should have not opened pre-orders till alpha was nearly done.
[b]2 Part 2: Delay Disappoint or Inhibit?[/b]
When you first opened pre-orders, the current gen consoles hadn't come out nor been announced. [i](XboxOne/PS4)[/i] That meant, because eager Bungie fans, like myself, who pre-ordered, would be pre-ordering for the then-current gen. [i](Xbox360/PS3)[/i] You can't just say [quote]Screw You[/quote] and only have Destiny on new consoles.
From here you're left with a dilemma: Do you inhibit the next gen consoles like Xbox One so that the game is the same as if it were on Xbox 360, or do you make a separate game for each and betray the loyal fans of old who prefer not to upgrade to current gen consoles for any of the many reasons?
[spoiler]If you would release for PC you wouldn't have this problem.[/spoiler]
[quote] Those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it.[/quote]
Remember Destiny if you try to make another game.
Bungie lost the rights to Halo, MS made sure they didn't loose that teet to milk dry. So your first point is invalid. If they would have sold the rights, I highly doubt that would have been cheap an most likely would have allowed them to go independent like they wanted. I know they didn't want to sign a deal with Activision just didn't have much choice. They are worse then MS about milking titles dry. Look at there best seller COD. Your second point I somewhat agree on. They have had pre orders opened for a long time compared to other titles. But not once they did ever give us a release date. They were hoping for the Beta Early 2014, now it's coming Mid 2014. So what's all the whining about? My question is why do you an so many other people complain about the way Bungie handles Destiny related things when they are one of the few studios to come out an actively communicate with there fans an consumers. Bungie is a business there job is to create a product you like enough as a consumer to purchase. Yes they are a little different then most but at the end of the day, They have numbers to meet just like every other company on the planet. They don't owe you anything for purchasing this title or any before or after it. Nobody is forcing you to buy it, an there sure as hell not forcing you to play it. Don't like it go buy a different game. Deej needs to create a thread called Cries /Whines/Complaints. So tired of every thread I read being about something somebody wished was in the game an because it's not there not going to buy it. Who the F cares your not important an majority of the community wouldn't even want that in the game anyways. New age of gamers are absolutely ridiculous the way they feel dev's owe them something for buying there past games. Sorry that's all, that's my big rant for the day :D!!