My body IS ready.
Pretty please, with a cherry on top, give me that -blam!-ing alpha.
I rocked the charts in Halo 2 and 3, swallowed every story of your ballsy break from Microsoft, and I recommend that pre-order of Destiny to every customer that comes in to Gamestop (I work there, I don't just hang around harassing people).
I fully intend to give you wicked sweet feedback on the alpha and beta and am hoping to record the extent of that awesomeness and use it to apply to be a tester at Bungie. Yea... my bachelor's and master's are in psychology and business management respectively... not ideal. Bottom line? I respect you guys, and have realized over the last year that I'm speccing points in the wrong skill trees. Ever seen Grandma's boy? Guy gets it.
Help turn a life around. It starts here. It starts with you.
If i could id give u one man seems like a guy with plans Im not guy with "plans" im like a dog chasing cars... u know the rest