Describe a feeling or sensation and whoever guesses what it is wins
I'll start
"Every movement feels like an explosion, you can feel the world around you, and your vision has very low fps"
BEGINNING TRANSMISSION: (Low melodious hum.) There is no one left in the world; no one there to help you out of this darkness. What was once home, is now a foreign land of nightmarish ideas. It is a place where phobias are alive and as... as real as you and I. Haha, but who is really real? We... me... I cannot feel as I once did and no one can hear my cries. "Why... why are they doing this?" "I cannot tell you." But he can hear me... that figure standing in a spot in my head, just starring at me as if he knew me. "Why are you here?" "I cannot tell you." "Well tell me something!" It can't be... I refuse that idea, but I am feeling cold. "Do you have a name?" "I have many." At least I got an answer, however it was to late for me to feel anything other than sadness and despair. Then it dawned on me... "Am I..." "Yes." ENDING TRANSMISSION: