So, I thought since I'm not sure where to post it and presumably Bungie reads this forum, I've give me thoughts about the Destiny Alpha. This is only going to be short but I may update it later.
The Good:
Solid Gunplay and action. The AI are intelligent so it makes for a good fight, the guns feel weighty and powerful, all in all solid
Systems of gear and leveling are good and fun when you learn them.
The bad and what to do about it:
I'd say the game needs a better tutorial. Now I've slept since I started, but I'm pretty sure at the beginning the game did not even tell you how to fire. We all know how to do so having played shooters before, but what about the person who never has and gets eaten up by Fallen? Even if it DID it does not explains the myriad of things about The Tower, what strikes or PVP are ETC.
Now, to all of [b]US [/b] who know games like this well that is no issue, but Destiny is a new IP and as such some people may not have played shooters before and would be jumping into this blind. Such people need direction especially if this is their first shooter. However it's [b]also [/b]important to not patronize the players who don't want it or have played shooters before.
Suggestion: make a better tutorial covering things like leveling, what to do in menus, ETC. Second, MAKE IT OPTIONAL for those of us who want to figure it out, or do what you do already and just have it pop up mid combat or shopping. Third, make it readable in the options menu in case you forget something.
That's all I have for now, when I play more I will add more.
Haha, it's not the first mission in the full game. And I imagine most who signed up have been following the game