So, today I got the chance to play a full evening's worth of Destiny. I little background about my gaming experience, I have been playing Halo since 2006 (started with CE, though.) I played primarily Xbox 360 last gen. I would give The Amazing Spider-man 2 a 2/10, Halo 2 a 6/10 and Uncharted 2 a 8/10 (use these scores for reference.) I was one of those people who was disinterested in Destiny since last year's (2013) E3 presentation.
So, like everybody else, I downloaded the game and started it up. It asks you to adjust the brightness, screen format, etc. Pretty standard. It then asks you to link to your account (which is something I skipped, so if anyone knows how I can do this part over, let me know!)
You then proceed to create your own guardian. Right off the bat, I was astonished with the amount of detail you could put into your character. It's along the lines of Mass Effect, but it goes even further than that. You can customize lip colour, for christ's sake!
I went with Titan as my first choice in character (I will be using a different class per day, and on the last day, I'll use the one I feel the most comfortable with.)
The game loads you into a fairly easy campaign mission. Dinklage is talking you through it (his voice acting is atrocious, still) and you make your way to a Satellite facility.
This is where I talk about the only [i]okay[/i] thing in the game: the gunplay. It feels like a dated version of Halo with ADS. It's not bad at all, though. It's fun. It's just not as far above average as the rest of them game is.
After you play that campaign segment (which you can skip, but encourage you not to for reasons I'll explain), you're instructed to go back to the Tower. And my god, what a sight.
The social aspect of this place is beyond belief. Moving around in the tower is awesome. It's 3rd person, so you can see how awesome your guardian looks. The helmet is off, so those facial features you edited before aren't wasted. You can meet and greet with your friends, buy and sell weapons, armor and materials. You can visit the loading bay and talk to the quartermaster about buying different vehicles (yes, plural).
Or you can go check out the different factions available to you. In my version, the only ones I was able to visit were new Monarchy (which was my favourite, anyway) and Dead Orbit. Each faction has specific weapons, armor, emblems, and other stuff you can buy as propaganda pieces.
Each class has it's own leader (Titan's leader being that obnoxious narrator I made a thread about a few weeks back) that gives you missions in the story (I'm guessing).
When you're done sight-seeing (which I wasn't finished for in the hour and a half I was in the tower), you can check out the bounty list for daily challenges to complete. The difficult of these challenges was a little too steep for me. but I'm not the greatest player in the world. I'm sure as we grow accustomed to these challenges, they'll be worth the effort.
The best was when I was waiting for a buddy of mine to join my fireteam, and he seamlessly joined the tower session as I was sitting on the edge of a cliff, enjoying the view of the traveler in the distance.
My only complaints: leveling up is difficult and takes time
strike was WAY too hard unless you have 3 level 6 players or higher
exploration area is very small in comparison to what we were promised (it's about the size of the level Exodus from Halo Reach.)
If you're still skeptical about the game because you haven't played it yet, listen to me: it's absolutely great. It hooked me as soon as I got a rare piece of armor. It makes you feel special when you get messages asking me where I obtained my bloodstained helmet. It really could be a contender for GOTY.
(Please tell me if I made any spelling mistakes, I don't want to read over this. I'm tired from all the Destiny playing XD)
What do you guys think of it so far?
I thought it was just a good game until I was exploring and encountered another player, a warlock. Without chatting we waved to eachother and agreed to explore a cave together. We pushed through to find ourselves at public event. It was awesome. Oh and the crucible is a lot of fun. I am constantly on the grind to find new loot to outfit my hunter the way I want. My only complaint would be how hard it is to get shaders. Adjusting the color scheme of my hunter was something I was looking forward to, but unfortunately it is incredibly difficult to unlock this simple customization option. Overall the game so far is great and I think it has huge potential.