Title says it all. It doesn't have to be a fight scene, just epic. Mine can be seen above. Yes, it is from a kid's movie from the 80s. But, it is still the most epic thing I have ever seen; and just shows why Optimus Prime is one of the greatest sci-fi characters in existence. Not [i]the[/i] greatest, just one of them.
Edited by OctaviusFalcon: 6/14/2014 2:02:50 AMThis scene is probably the most epic for me, not because of how awesome it is, but because of the impact that it still has on me. This movie was my childhood. In terms of awesome, [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ-7PAadGZ4]this[/url] is probably one of the most epic scenes that I have seen recently. Just as a warning, this scene contains heavy spoilers for the anime Gurren Lagann.