Will Destiny's loot system be like Borderlands 1 and 2, where there's a loot item and only one person can have it? Is it unfair like borderlands as well? Is it fairly distributed amongst players by a everybody gets their own loadout system or is it everyone gets the same thing?
Everyone gets there own loot drops that only that players sees. Also as a nice bonus, if you miss loot (of a high enough quality) it will end up at the postman in the tower.
Ya I played the hell out of the Alpha and I think I got 8 or 9 drops. Total. But I like it like that. unlike in normal MMO's I get excited for loot in destiny, because you hardly ever find anything,when you do you get happy. And its normally better than what you already have.
Your own personal loot stream. And loot isn't dropping all over the place like in Borderlands
You also get storage where you can share between each of your characters.
It's diferent. Can't tell from the alpha, sense no decent loot drops.