that is actually not true anymore with the wiiu. over the course of 2013 the average wiiu owner bought 5 to 10 games for it which is a very high software attachment rate meaning that there would be a high chance that the majoraty wiiu owners (most of which are in their mid 20s or 30s) are likely to buy the game.
so lets say porting the game costs between 5 and 10 million$ and lets say that at least two thirds of the wiiu owners (about 4 million people) instantly buy the game. that would be a revenue of 4.000.000 times 60$
which far exceeds that estimated porting cost
but that is just me speculating the only way to know for real is doing it and it would be foolish for activision to let that opportunity pass.
The actual average amount of games bought is 3.7 not sure where you got 5 to 10 from which is pretty outrageous. And the top 4 games sold are super mario bros ,super mario 3d world, luigi, and zelda. I dont see a single fps or even a game not made by nintendo. The fan base is not there and even if a person that owns a wii u wants destiny they probably already have a xbox or playstation to play it on.
Also mario kart 8 sold 1.2 million copies and is the [u]fastest selling wii u game[/u] there are 6.17 million wii u consoles out there thats about 1/6 of the people who own wii us. Do you really think a fps on a platform unaccustomed to fps games would sell to 2/3 of wii u owners? I dont think it will sell to 2/3 of the ps4 owners! The rest of your numbers are just plain guesses on something nobody but bungie could know.
before i forget even if only 1/6 of wiiu owners would buy destiny it would still amount to about 30 to 50 million$ of revenue (taking some money off the total to acount for retail) so profitability shouldn't be too much of a concern
Most people that want third party games already have a xbox or playstation and would buy it on that. Also 1/6 is still a lot of copies sold youve gotta know mario kart is probably their biggest title other than super smash. The most important thing to know is that we are two idiots arguing on an internet forum do you really think if activision could make more money by porting it to the wii u they wouldnt?
i thought most wiiu owners dont have another 8th gen console... would really like to see some numbers on that and since the profit question is kinda off the table, now i can talk about what actually bugs me about this whole thing: Bungie and Activision refuse to talk about it. I'm just hoping that the more idiots like us argue about those things the more poeple actually get a chance to play this very promising game without having to invest in additional hardware.
i sincerely apologize for using wrong numbers. and you are correct: first party games i.e. mario, zelda etc. are leading the wiiu software charts. but that (to me) shows just how horrible third party support has been thus far. (i hate how fanboy that sentnce looks) my point is that the wiiu software charts are not a good indicator for third party profitability, though they'd look kind of terrifying to me if i were third party ceo we have to keep in mind though that the lacking third party support has thinned out the games consumers can choose from which leaves wiiu owners "slightly desperate" more good games regardless of the publisher (thats at least how i would interprete the situation if i were a third party ceo) again i'm sorry for numbers thing