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We ought give thanks to Bungie for doing what they're supposed to do. Thanks for making a game (which is what every other video game developer does) Thank you for brainwashing us to pay $60 for early access etc. Thanks for only giving said early access to one console and not the other at the same time.
Waaahhh go buy a ps4 then dickweed! It was only a limited area 3 day alpha. You get the game on the 9th like everyone else. Ms out their $ in cod - Sony in destiny. Go cry to ms not bungie. I never see Sony players crying on the cod message boards about timed exclusives.. Want to get more pissed fanboy ? Should read one of my post about all the little kids going with a ps4 now because after e3 they don't think destiny is even on x1. All halo kids / 360 kids ;)