(Take the periods off.^^)
This is an extremely important issue, of which I believe the Flood needs to be aware of.
For those who wanted to vote Clinton into office, you sure you [i]really[/i] want to?
>Fox >Dailybeast No
Edited by OG Gruntking: 6/24/2014 2:32:50 AMSo? It's sad to say, but releasing five terrorists from Gitmo is much, MUCH worse. Obama did that. We should be more worried about people who actually have power in this country instead of a has-been
omg she was defending her client? How dare she?!
Oh no! Someone was doing their job in the 1980's! That so matters now in 2014! Are Republicans of the media seriously running out of bullshit to throw around?
I'd rather have a thorny branch slowly removed from my dick than have Hillary in office
Edited by GHOST270: 6/23/2014 3:36:11 PMShe did her job, THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END!!!!11!11one!!!
Oh my God! Lawyers are actually [i]earning[/i] their wages?
So, she had to defend her client. What's the deal here?
Are people really in this much fuss about her doing her job? This is what criminal defence lawyers are supposed to do (which is also why I'm not going into criminal law).
She was a defense attorney. That's what they do. It doesn't matter if they think the guy is innocent or guilty, their job is to zealously represent their client. In this case the client was a guy accused of molesting a child. Its not up to the attorneys to decide guilt, its up to the judge and jury. The attorneys find the truth through an argument that follows the rule of law. People really need to understand how our system works before they start getting mad. I seriously think the average American isn't intelligent enough to discuss the American legal system.
Oh my god, a criminal defense lawyer was doing her -blam!-ing job?!? Someone call the police! Can't have a fair trial, now can we?
Edited by BerzerkCommando: 6/23/2014 11:32:01 AMIsn't the whole point of an attorney to defend the person you are working for? I take it you want a court system that's simlar to what the Nazi's used? Which the whole point of them is to tell you how guilty you are.
And how is this an extremely important issue? Everyone has the right to a lawyer and a fair trial, it's a human right. Was it in bad taste to be that lighthearted about it in the interview? Yes. But she was doing her job and defended the man's rights as well as she could, the way she's supposed to. The fact that this is such an issue has got more to do with how the US legal system is a failure than anything else.
So she did her job, and upheld the rights given by the Constitution. If she got the guy a 'Not Guilty', then the jury didn't believe the "victim's"story. That means it's more likely that the accused was, in fact, innocent. Of course, the media will call him a rapist and her a victim whenever it suits their needs. Hence the reason I put no stock in this.
As much as I don't want her to be president, she had 2 choices: do her job, or break her obligation to represent her client to the best of her ability. Only does the flood think it wrong for someone to do their job. Just because she succeeded at her job doesn't mean she's a terrible person. By your guy's logic, every defense attorney supports murder and pedophilia and -blam!-.
A LAWYER DID HER JOB, OH THE HUMANITY This is one of the unfortunate things that criminal lawyers need to do. She did nothing wrong.
I hope to dear God that people don't vote in Hillary just because she's a woman just like people voted in Obama just because he's black. She is a nutjob.
I misread the title at first and thought it said, "Hillary Clinton Defecated on a Child Rapist." I was laughing so much... I am a terrible person.
I would say that the republicans are probably going to use this as ammo for 2016, but then again, rape is the last subject republicans want to bring up (they generally don't have a good history with the word).
Somebody needs to mass murder the entire US Government.
I voted Jan Peter Balkenende for the first chamber.
This is. Good thing it means she's good at her job/
This has what bearing on her presidential ability?
I heard that Obama farts lightning and took down ten thousand tigers with his bare hands.