Officer Nasty, a friend of mine, and myself just spent the past two hours engaging in a near stalemate with some scrubs.
[spoiler]In the beginning we went with two anders' and my brute, we got Ft. Deen so the cutter duo was certain to go after the towers &gates. I decided to create hunters, and only hunters (until later on when I needed scarabs). My friend (GT: fallenangel1151) went hawks (and tanks later on), and Nasty went wolverines and scorpions.
The enemy mostly focused on vehicles in the beginning and end, and about 15 min. in, they started dropping ODSTs. For about the first hour, it was mostly us defending our seven bases, occasionally loosing one every now and then. Then one of us decided to attack the Forge that was pumping out grizzlies. After a few failed assaults and retreats, the tides started to turn.
At around an hour and a half, I moved my forces on the gate, and blew through the minimalistic defense stationed there. Then slowly and steadily, we swamped the blue Cutter. The red Forge couldn't hold on without the support of his pal, so he fell about a minute after. In the end, I moved my hunter legion onto blacks main base, while Nasty and Fallen wiped out any stragglers. Then they pushed Back on black just in time to see him resign.
GG guys... GG...[/spoiler]
What a war story. How did you make it out alive?