I'm not saying that I went looking for this, I just stumbled onto this deal while in GAME, I was in there looking for console games and I ended up getting 3 PC games for £9.98 at a Buy 3 for the price of 2 deal. I got Company of Heroes 2, Dead Space 2 and Doom 3 BFG Edition. I also pick up a Deadpool poster, not the one for the game but it has a pixel art style to it which is pretty cool but that is not relevant to the topic.
When I get home I look them up because when I usually do something like this there might as well be someone shouting outside my window "You Suck, Jackass" because they end up being cheaper on the Steam Sale. Not this time, COH2 is £14.99 knocked down from £29.99 and Doom 3 BFG Edition is £9.99 knocked down from £19.99, Dead Space 2 was the same price so I saved £15 by going to GAME. The games would need to be less than £3.34 to be a better deal on Steam.
Seriously if you have participated in a few Steam sales then your not really going to find much other than recent games you couldn't afford at launch/waited for a price drop or games you wouldn't normally try because let's face it, you've gotten most of what you're looking for and if you haven't, your waiting for a better deal. I wouldn't hurt for you to look elsewhere because you might find a deal like what I found. I did get Payday 2 on Steam for £4.50, i got it with PS+ but I figured the PC version would be supported more by the developer.
Man, I still don't know how to predict what will go further on sale! I'd like DS2 to drop lower than 33%, but I'm not sure it will!