So Iv'e been meaning to do this for awhile I've been wanting to improve my art skills but have been acting lazy, but no more! give me a request and me and the Wii U shall try to fulfill it.
p.s. I have three surfaces for you to choose smooth, cartridge and pastel their is three things i can use pencil, colored pencils or pastels the choices are yours
Edited by Yutaka: 6/21/2014 11:45:18 PMDraw coffee next to a bagel. I choose pastel with pastels.
I love Tom and Jerry. So, how about that? /shrugs
Someone rubbing a hot girl's feet
Draw a futa loli with a giant horse dick.
Edited by asir: 6/22/2014 5:00:37 AMIllustrate an anthro-style shark lady. For science, and my amusement [i]Pretty please[/i]
Pastel is not a surface...
Edited by Fletch: 6/22/2014 8:32:48 AMI want a baby dinosaur riding a ball, DO IT
Draw a T-Rex holding a mini gun shooting a grizzly bear dressed as Abe Lincoln.
Please draw a duck riding a surfboard fighting the lochness monster with an M-16.
Edited by Kafuu Chino: 6/22/2014 5:19:16 AM[url=]Wade[/url] from the Strangerhood, please :)[spoiler][url=]Everything is coming up Ray! :D[/url][/spoiler]
Can I have an enderman
draw me watching Little Busters
Draw me a warlock or Lara Croft. Thank you.
Draw me Krillin
Edited by Nul Arc: 6/22/2014 12:08:46 AMThe most badass looking mech you can draw Using pastels on smooth
Can you draw my avatar in pastel. Thank you
Edited by Fresh Pancake: 6/21/2014 11:57:41 PMPilot from Titanfall. Use whatever setting you'd like.
Can you draw [url=]Catbug [/url]playing with an Xbox controller? I guess smooth and colored pencils?
Draw a [url=]Me 163 Komet[/url] shooting down an [url=]Avro Lancaster[/url] on a smooth surface with a pencil. The Komet is armed with two 30mm cannons.
In the words of A great Cheese Potato. [spoiler]Pastel[/spoiler]
Edited by Vien 'Quitonm: 6/21/2014 11:53:43 PMMe in a purple thong. Edit: Colored pencils I can give references :3
Some kind of space ship
Draw a octopus drinking maple syrup.
Stephen Hawking pooping on George Washington