[i]The most popular meme on the Flood was "do a barrel roll!!!"
Yoozel was the most hated mod.
Recon wasn't even cool.
JAVA2 was the only professing homosexual.
We made fun of the Halo 2 forum.
Private Groups were cool.
You got banned for using any variation of the word "noob".
Spam got you banned.
Flaming got you banned.
Religious/political topics got locked.
The Ninjas ruled with an iron fist.
The Ninjas had they're own private group, and if you tried to join you were perma'd (might still be around).[/i]
RIP 2006.
Post your own "back in my day" the first year you joined the Flood.
[i]We didn't have any fancy schmancy tanks. We had sticks! Two sticks and a rock for the whole platoon! And we had to share the rock![/i]