Look at these two sculptures and tell me which one is actually art. There is no justification for the left piece at all. That is nothing more than laziness and half assing a made up twist in order to justify it. "xD Not knowing what it is until you see the title is the twist that makes it totally interesting xD!" No, the twist is that it took Bourgeois a few hours to make while he was drunk and needed to come up with a way to make it sell for a lot of money, and modern art critics with their warped sense of taste ate it out of his hand. It is an insult to real work and effort like the right and Michelangelo is probably rolling in his grave knowing that this is being passed off equally as his work.
You want to know what the left piece looks like? It looks like it belongs behind the black bar on the right.
What has art come to? It wont be long before people just make blank canvases and call it "Deep" and "Philosophical".
Edited by M37h3w3: 6/26/2014 8:06:03 PM[url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/aa/Rhein_II.jpg]This sold for $4.3 million.[/url] [url=http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--o1xi1Oqy--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/19gcf54g3y917png.png]Cleaning lady threw out this exhibit, thinking that the carefully arranged trash was just normal trash.[/url] [url=http://gawker.com/cleaning-lady-throws-away-expensive-modern-art-she-mist-1527595660]Not the first time for this either.[/url] I don't know what the -blam!- "modern artists" are doing. Creating random chaos and noise simple because other avenues have been tread and retread so many times before? Looking for cheap cash grabs because they are talentless hacks that couldn't even produce anything close to what the great masters have done before and have less talent and skill than even me? I suppose the idea that they honestly think that their shit that looks like it was half-assed by some grad student a half hour before a project was due because he spent the three months prior getting blazed as -blam!- is actually a real work of art comparable to David.